
New `app_subscription_operations` query and mutation

At the end of March, we added a new app_subscription_operations query and mutation to API version 2024-04. App developers using feature-based pricing can use this API to track and update operation usage, as needed.


The new app_subscription_operations query returns app subscription data, the current operation counter value, as well as the name of each operation. You can read more about the new query here.

query { app_subscription_operations (kind: "image_scan") { counter_value period_key } }


The new increase_app_subscription_operations mutation allows you to increase the counter for a specific operation. This can be used to track the number of operations each account uses, per operation, per billing period. You can read more about the new mutation here.

mutation { increase_app_subscription_operations(kind: "image_scan", increment_by: 2){ counter_value } }