Breaking change: Quotation marks for strings required

Strings must be sent with quotation marks, so you can no longer send arguments without them in API versions 2023-10 and later. If you send strings without quotation marks, it will result in an error.

Check out the code samples below to see queries and mutations that were previously supported, and find out how you can update them so they won't throw an error!

Previously supported code samples

mutation { create_column(board_id: 1234567890, title:Country, description: "This is my country column", column_type:country) { id title description } }
query { users (name: Test) { id } }
query { items (ids: 1231234123) { column_values (ids: task_status) { value } } }

Updated code samples

mutation{ create_column(board_id: 1234567890, title:"Country", description: "This is my country column", column_type:country) { id title description } }
query { users (name: "Test") { id } }
query { items (ids: 1231234123) { column_values (ids: "task_status") { value } } }