We recently added a new argument and a new field on the app_installs object. These are only available in API versions 2024-04 and later.

  • The account_id argument filters app installations by a specific account using the account ID.
  • The permissions field returns the required and approved scopes for an app installation.
query {
  app_installs (app_id: 123456789, account_id: 98766543210) {
    app_install_account {
    app_install_user {
    app_version {
    permissions {

In API versions 2024-04 and later, the kind field accepted enum values on version and versions queries have changed.

The table below shows the accepted enums in versions 2024-01 and earlier, as well as those in versions 2024-04 and later. This is considered a breaking change, so please act accordingly.

Before (2024-01 and earlier)After (2024-04 and later)


No more extensions

As of March 5th, customers can no longer request an extension. All customers must migrate to a new API version as we near the March 18th deadline.

Any customers who requested an extension to use API version 2023-07 can keep using it until March 18th 2024.

This only applies to folks who requested an extension. If you didn't request one, your account may switch over to 2024-01 at any point.

Why are we doing this?

As you know, we are gradually making version 2024-01 the default version when using the API.

As of today (Feb 19th), some apps and accounts are using version 2023-07 as the default API version and others are using 2024-01.

The original extension date was Feb 15th, but we are giving folks more time – to March 18th. Since the change has been very gradual, we believe that postponing the deadline is the most fair option.

Can I still get an extension?

Yes, if you have not prepared your app for the breaking changes, you may request an extension using these instructions.

We recently released two new query parameters that allow you to retrieve the schema for a specific API version or the SDL version of the schema.

API version

By default, the schema is in introspection JSON format for the Current API version. You can request the schema for a different version using the optional version=<API-Version> parameter with the version name.

For example https://api.monday.com/v2/get_schema?version=2024-04

SDL version

You can also retrieve the schema definition language (SDL) version using the optional format=sdl parameter.

For example https://api.monday.com/v2/get_schema?format=sdl

The new group_color argument allows you to specify a group's color when using the create_group mutation. You can find a list of the accepted values here.

This argument is available in API versions 2024-04 and later.

mutation {
  create_group (board_id: 1234567890, group_name: "new group", group_color: "#ff642e", relative_to: "test_group", position_relative_method: before_at) {
let query = "mutation { create_group (board_id: 1234567890, group_name: \"new group\", group_color: \"ff642e\", relative_to: \"test group\", position_relative_method: before_at) { id } }";

fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
    'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE',
    'API-Version' : '2024-04'
   body: JSON.stringify({
     query : query
   .then(res => res.json())
   .then(res => console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)));

You can now return an item or board's URL by querying the url field. This field is available on both boards and items objects in API versions 2024-04 and later.

query {
  boards (ids: 1234567890) {
query {
  items (ids: [1234567890, 9876543210, 2345678901]) {

You can now query the voters field on the VoteValue implementation to return a list of users who voted. This field is available in API versions 2024-04 and later.

query {
  items (ids:[1234567890, 9876543210]) {
    column_values {
      ... on VoteValue {

On Saturday, February 3rd, at 1:00 AM EST (US server), we will conduct planned maintenance, and the monday.com platform will be in Read Only mode.

All mutations will be blocked during this period. Any API call containing a mutation will result in the following error: "GraphQL Action Mutations::ArchivePulse has been blocked".

The total maintenance window is estimated to last for 30 minutes. Please plan accordingly!

The new DeleteLastGroupException error occurs when you attempt to delete or archive the only group on a board. To resolve the error, ensure that the board has more than one group.

This error will appear in API versions 2024-01 and later.