Learn how to filter, read, update, and clear the country column on monday boards using the platform API

The country column represents a country from the list of available countries. You can filter, read, update, and clear the country column via the API.

Filter the country column

Using the items_page object, you can easily filter a board's items by specific columns or column values. The table below contains the country column's supported operators and compare values.

OperatorsCompare values
  • "" (blank values)
  • The country's two-letter abbreviation to filter by
  • not_any_of
  • "" (blank values)
  • The country's two-letter abbreviation to filter by
  • is_emptynull
    contains_textThe partial or whole country name to filter by as a string
    not_contains_textThe partial or whole country name to filter by as a string


    The following example returns all items on the specified board with a country column value of Uruguay.

    query { boards (ids: 1234567890) { items_page (query_params: {rules: [{column_id: "country", compare_value: ["UY"], operator:any_of}]}) { items { id name } } } }

    Read the country column

    You can query the country column using the column_values object that enables you to return column-specific subfields by sending a fragment in your query. Values for the country column are of the CountryValue type.

    query { items (ids:[1234567890, 9876543210]) { column_values { ... on CountryValue { country updated_at } } } }


    column Column!The column the value belongs to.
    country CountryThe country's value.
    id ID!The column's unique identifier.
    text StringThe column's value as text. This field will return "" if the column has an empty value.
    type ColumnType!The column's type.
    updated_at DateThe column's last updated date.
    value JSONThe column's JSON-formatted raw value.

    Update the country column

    You can update a country column using the change_multiple_column_values mutation and passing a JSON string in the column_values argument. Simple string updates are not supported.


    To update a country column, send the ISO-2 country code (a two-letter code) and the country name in the column_values argument.

    mutation { change_multiple_column_values(item_id:9876543210, board_id:1234567890, column_values:"{\"country\":{\"countryCode\":\"US\",\"countryName\":\"United States\"}}"){ id } }
    fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", { method: 'post', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query : "mutation ($myBoardId:Int!, $myItemId:Int!, $myColumnValues:JSON!) { change_multiple_column_values(item_id:$myItemId, board_id:$myBoardId, column_values: $myColumnValues) { id } }", variables : JSON.stringify({ myBoardId: YOUR_BOARD_ID, myItemId: YOUR_ITEM_ID, myColumnValues: "{\"country\": {\"countryCode\" : \"US\", \"countryName\": \"United States\"}}" }) }) })

    Clear the country column

    You can also clear a country column using the change_multiple_column_values mutation and passing null or an empty object in the column_values argument.

    mutation { change_multiple_column_values(item_id:9876543210, board_id:1234567890, column_values: "{\"country\" : null}") { id } }
    fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", { method: 'post', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query : "mutation ($myBoardId:Int!, $myItemId:Int!, $myColumnValues:JSON!) { change_multiple_column_values(item_id:$myItemId, board_id:$myBoardId, column_values: $myColumnValues) { id } }", variables : JSON.stringify({ myBoardId: YOUR_BOARD_ID, myItemId: YOUR_ITEM_ID, myColumnValues: "{\"country\" : null}" }) }) })


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