Learn about other marketplace-specific types supported by the monday platform API
App install account
The AppInstallAccount
type is used as a field on app install queries. It provides the app installer's account details.
Field | Description |
id Int! | The unique identifier of the app installer's account. |
App install permissions
The AppInstallPermissions
type is used as a field on app install queries. It provides the required and approved scopes for an app installation.
Field | Description |
approved_scopes [String!]! | The scopes approved by the account admin. |
required_scopes [String!]! | The scopes required by the latest live app version. |
App install user
The AppInstallUser
type is used as a field on app install queries. It provides the app installer's user details.
Field | Description |
id Int | The app installer's unique identifier. |
App subscription details
The AppSubscriptionDetails
type is used as a field on app subscriptions queries. It provides the app installer's account details.
Field | Description | Enum values | Supported fields |
account_id Int! | The account's unique identifier. | ||
currency String! | The currency used to make the purchase. | ||
days_left Int! | The number of days until the subscription ends. | ||
discounts [SubscriptionDiscount!]! | The discounts granted to the subscription. | discount_model_type SubscriptionDiscountModelType! discount_type SubscriptionDiscountType! value Int! | |
monthly_price Float! | The subscription's monthly price (after discounts) in the currency used to make the purchase. | ||
period_type SubscriptionPeriodType! | The subscription's billing period frequency. | monthly yearly | |
plan_id String! | The pricing plan's unique identifier. | ||
pricing_version_id Int! | The pricing version's unique identifier. | ||
renewal_date String! | The subscription's renewal date. | ||
status SubscriptionStatus! | The subscription's status. | active inactive |
Subscription discount
The SubscriptionDiscount
type is used as a field on the app subscription details query. It provides details about a single subscription discount.
Field | Description | Enum values |
discount_model_type SubscriptionDiscountModelType! | The discount's type. | nominal : dollar amount of the discountpercent : percentage of the discount |
discount_type SubscriptionDiscountType! | The discount's frequency. | one_time recurring |
value Int! | The discount's value as a percent. |
App version
The AppVersion
type is used as a field on app install queries. It provides details about the app version when the app was installed.
Field | Description |
major Int! | The app's major version. |
minor Int! | The app's minor version. |
patch Int! | The app's patch version. |
text String! | The app's version text. |
type String | The app's version type. |
Batch extend trial period
The batch_extend_trial_period
mutation enables apps monetized by monday to provide trial extensions for up to five accounts through the API.
This mutation will only work for app collaborators and will fail if you do not have the correct permissions.
mutation {
batch_extend_trial_period (account_slugs: ["test", "monday"], app_id: 12345678, plan_id: "Plan_1", duration_in_days: 21) {
details {
Argument | Description |
account_slugs [String!]! | The account slug(s) to provide trial extensions for. The maximum is 5. |
app_id ID! | The unique identifier of the application. |
duration_in_days Int! | The number of days to extend the trial. The maximum is 365. If the account slugs require different durations, you must make multiple calls. |
plan_id String! | The unique identifier of the payment plan. |
Field | Description |
details [ExtendTrialPeriod!] | The details of the batch operation. |
reason String | The reason the operation resulted in an error. Please note that this will return an empty string if the operation is successful. |
success Boolean! | The result of the batch operation. Please note that when providing extensions to multiple account slugs, this will return false whenever even one of the operations fails. |
Extend trial period
The ExtendTrialPeriod
type is used as a field on the batch_extend_trial_period
mutation. It provides details about a single operation from the batch.
Field | Description |
account_slug String! | The individual account slug. |
reason String | The reason the single operation resulted in an error. Please note that this will return null if the operation is successful. |
success Boolean! | The result of the single operation. |
Delete marketplace app discount
The DeleteMarketplaceAppDiscount!
type is used as a field on the delete_marketplace_app_discount
mutation. It returns metadata for recently deleted marketplace app discounts.
Field | Description |
account_slug String! | The account's slug. |
app_id Int! | The app's unique identifier. |
Grant marketplace app discount
The GrantMarketplaceAppDiscount!
type is used as a field on the grant_marketplace_app_discount
mutation. It returns metadata for recently granted marketplace app discounts.
Field | Description | Enum values |
app_id ID! | The app's unique identifier. | |
app_plan_ids [String!]! | The app plan IDs. | |
days_valid Int! | The number of days the discount will be valid. | |
discount Int! | The discount's percentage. | |
is_recurring Boolean! | Returns true if the discount is recurring. | |
period DiscountPeriod | The discount's period. If it returns null , the discount applies to both yearly and monthly plans. | MONTHLY YEARLY |
Grant marketplace app discount data
The GrantMarketplaceAppDiscountData!
type is used as an argument on the grant_marketplace_app_discount
mutation. It specifies details about the discount to be granted.
Field | Description | Enum values |
app_plan_ids [String!]! | The app plan IDs. | |
days_valid Int! | The number of days the discount will be valid. | |
discount Int! | The discount's percentage. | |
is_recurring Boolean! | Whether or not the discount is recurring. | |
period DiscountPeriod | The discount's period. | MONTHLY YEARLY |