Learn how to create notifications on monday using the platform API

Notifications alert users of platform activities, such as due dates, updates, and more. They appear in multiple locations, including the bell icon and email.

Notifications relevant only to the signed-in user appear under the bell icon. By default, they will also receive an email whenever they get a notification. This can be turned off and customized in the user’s profile settings.


Required scope: notifications:write

Create a notification

The create_notification mutation allows you to send a notification to the bell icon via the API. Doing so may also send an email if the recipient's email preferences are set up accordingly.

If you send a notification from a board view or widget using seamless authentication, it will be sent from the app and display its name and icon. If you use a personal API key to make the call, the notification will appear to come from the user who installed the app on the account.

This mutation only sends the notification. You can't query back the notification ID when running the mutation since notifications are asynchronous.

mutation { create_notification (user_id: 12345678, target_id: 674387, text: "This is a notification", target_type: Project) { text } }
let query = "mutation { create_notification (user_id: 12345678, target_id: 674387, text: \"This is a notification\", target_type: Project) { text } }"; fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query : query }) }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)));


You can use the following argument(s) to define the new notification's characteristics.

target_type NotificationTargetType!The target's type: project or post.

- Project: sends a notification referring to a specific item or board
- Post : sends a notification referring to a specific item's update or reply
target_id ID!The target's unique identifier. The value depends on the target_type:

- Project: the relevant item or board ID
- Post : the relevant update or reply ID
text String!The notification's text.
user_id ID!The user's unique identifier.


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