Learn how to query app subscription data using the monday.com platform API

App monetization utilizes subscriptions as a billing contract between a user and an app. Each subscription contains unique data about the user's billing frequency, plan type, and renewal period.


  • Returns an array containing data about all of your app's subscriptions
  • Can only be queried directly at the root
  • Only works for app collaborators
  • Limit: 120 times per minute


If you only want to query a specific account's subscription from the context of your app, use the app_subscription object instead.

query { app_subscriptions (app_id: 1234567890) { cursor total_count subscriptions { account_id monthly_price currency } } }
let query = "query { app_subscriptions (app_id: 1234567890) { cursor total_count subscriptions { account_id monthly_price currency } } }"; fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", { method: 'post', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE', 'API-Version' : '2025-01' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query : query }) }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)));


You can use the following argument(s) to reduce the number of app subscriptions returned.

FieldsDescriptionEnum values
account_id IntThe account's unique identifier.
app_id ID!The app's unique identifier.
cursor StringAn opaque token representing the position in a set of results to fetch subscriptions from. Use this to paginate through large result sets.
limit IntThe number of subscriptions to return. The default is 100, but the maximum is 500.
status SubscriptionStatusThe subscription's status. active


You can use the following field(s) to specify what information your app_subscriptions query will return.

FieldsDescriptionSupported fields
cursor StringAn opaque cursor that represents the position in the list after the last returned subscription. Use this cursor for pagination to fetch the next set of subscriptions. If the cursor is null, there are no more subscriptions to fetch.
subscriptions [AppSubscriptionDetails!]!Further details about the app's subscriptions. account_id Int!
currency String!
days_left Int!
discounts [SubscriptionDiscount!]!
end_date String
monthly_price Float!
period_type SubscriptionPeriodType!
plan_id String!
pricing_version_id Int!
renewal_date String
status SubscriptionStatus!
total_count Int!The total number of subscriptions.