Learn how to use API tokens to read user data through the platform API

All monday.com users have a unique set of user details and different roles within an account. These details are available to access via the API, and the fastest way to return details about the connected user is by querying the me object.


Required scope: me:read

Querying me will return metadata about the user whose API key is being used. This method does not accept any arguments and returns an object.

You can only query me directly at the root, so it can't be nested within another query.

query {
  me {
let query = "query { me { is_guest created_at name id}}";

fetch ("https://api.monday.com/v2", {
  method: 'post',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization' : 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
   body: JSON.stringify({
     query : query
   .then(res => res.json())
   .then(res => console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2)));


You can use the following field(s) to specify what information your me query will return. Please note that some fields will have their own arguments.

FieldsDescriptionSupported arguments
account Account!The user's account.
birthday DateThe user's date of birth, as set in their profile. Returned as YYYY-MM-DD.
country_code StringThe user's country code.
created_at DateThe user's creation date. Returned as YYYY-MM-DD.
current_language StringThe user's language.
join_date DateThe date the user joined the organization. Returned as YYYY-MM-DD.
email String!The user's email.
enabled Boolean!Returns true if the user is enabled.
id ID!The user's unique identifier.
is_admin BooleanReturns true if the user is an admin.
is_guest BooleanReturns true if the user is a guest.
is_pending BooleanReturns true if the user didn't confirm their email yet.
is_verified BooleanReturns true if the user verified their email.
is_view_only BooleanReturns true if the user is only a viewer.
last_activity DateThe last date and time the user was active.
location StringThe user's location.
mobile_phone StringThe user's mobile phone number.
name String!The user's name.
phone StringThe user's phone number.
photo_original StringReturns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in its original size.
photo_small StringReturns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in a small size (150x150 px).
photo_thumb StringReturns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in thumbnail size (100x100 px).
photo_thumb_small StringReturns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in a small thumbnail size (50x50 px).
photo_tiny StringReturns the URL of the user's uploaded photo in tiny size (30x30 px).
sign_up_product_kind StringThe product the user first signed up to.
teams [Team]The user's teams.ids [Int]
time_zone_identifier StringThe user's timezone identifier.
title StringThe user's title.
url String!The user's profile URL.
utc_hours_diff IntThe user’s UTC hours difference.


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