Account product

The AccountProduct type is a field on workspaces queries and contains metadata about the account product the queried workspace is in.


FieldDescriptionEnum values
id IntThe unique identifier of the account product.
kind AccountProductKindThe account product.core, crm, forms, marketing, projectManagement, project_management, service, software, whiteboard

App install account

The AppInstallAccount type is a field on app install queries that contains the app installer's account details.


id Int!The unique identifier of the app installer's account. Please note that the field type is ID! in API versions 2024-04 and later.

App install permissions

The AppInstallPermissions type is a field on app install queries that contains the required and approved scopes for an app installation.


Pro tip

This field is only available in API versions 2024-04 and later.


approved_scopes [String!]!The scopes approved by the account admin.
required_scopes [String!]!The scopes required by the latest live app version.

App install user

The AppInstallUser type is a field on app install queries that contains the app installer's user details.


id IntThe app installer's unique identifier. Please note that the field type is ID in API versions 2024-04 and later.

App version

The AppVersion type is a field on app install queries that contains details about the app version when it was installed.


major Int!The app's major version.
minor Int!The app's minor version.
patch Int!The app's patch version.
text String!The app's version text.
type StringThe app's version type.

Batch extend trial period

The batch_extend_trial_period mutation enables apps monetized by monday to provide trial extensions for up to five accounts through the API.

This mutation will only work for app collaborators and will fail if you do not have the correct permissions.

mutation {
  batch_extend_trial_period (account_slugs: ["test", "monday"], app_id: 12345678, plan_id: "Plan_1", duration_in_days: 21) {
    details {


account_slugs [String!]!The account slug(s) to provide trial extensions for. The maximum is 5.
app_id ID!The unique identifier of the application.
duration_in_days Int!The number of days to extend the trial. The maximum is 365. Please note that you must make multiple calls if the account slugs require different durations.
plan_id String!The unique identifier of the payment plan.


details [ExtendTrialPeriod!]The details of the batch operation.
reason StringThe reason the operation resulted in an error. Please note that this will return an empty string if the operation is successful.
success Boolean!The result of the batch operation. Please note that when providing extensions to multiple account slugs, this will return false whenever even one of the operations fails.

Extend trial period

The ExtendTrialPeriod type is a field on the batch_extend_trial_period mutation that provides details about a single operation from the batch.


account_slug String!The individual account slug.
reason StringThe reason the single operation resulted in an error. Please note that this will return null if the operation is successful.
success Boolean!The result of the single operation.

Change team memberships result

The ChangeTeamsMembershipResult type contains fields that show the result of adding or removing users from a team for the add_users_to_team and remove_users_from_team mutations.

mutation {
  add_users_to_team (team_id: 7654321, user_ids: [123456, 654321, 012345]) {
    successful_users {
    failed_users {


failed_users [User!]The users the team membership update failed for.
successful_users [User!]The users the team membership update succeeded for.

Column mapping input

The ColumnMappingInput type is an argument on the move_items_to_board mutation that defines the column mapping between the target and source boards.


source ID!The source column's unique identifier.
target IDThe target column's unique identifier.

Column type

ColumnType accepts enum values to specify which column type to filter, read, or update in your query or mutation.

Enum values

  • auto_number
  • board_relation
  • button
  • checkbox
  • color_picker
  • country
  • creation_log
  • date
  • dependency
  • doc
  • dropdown
  • email
  • file
  • formula
  • hour
  • item_assignees
  • item_id
  • last_updated
  • link
  • location
  • long_text
  • mirror
  • name
  • numbers
  • people
  • phone
  • progress
  • rating
  • status
  • subtasks
  • tags
  • team
  • text
  • timeline
  • time_tracking
  • vote
  • week
  • world_clock
  • unsupported

Create doc input

The CreateDocInput! type is an argument for the create_doc mutation that contains a set of arguments to specify where to create the new doc.


FieldDescriptionSupported arguments
board CreateDocBoardInputThe new document's location (when creating a doc on a board).column_id String!
item_id ID!
workspace CreateDocWorkspaceInputThe new document's location (when creating a doc in a workspace). kind BoardKind
name String!
workspace_id ID!

Create doc board input

The CreateDocBoardInput type is used to specify the item and column where you want to create the new document.


column_id String!The unique identifier of the column to create the new doc in.
item_id ID!The unique identifier of the item to create the new doc on.

Create doc workspace input

The CreateDocWorkspaceInput type is used to specify the workspace where you want to create a document and the new document's name and kind.


kind BoardKindThe kind of document to create: public, private, or share.
name String!The new document's name.
workspace_id ID!The unique identifier of the workspace to create the new doc in.

Items page by column values query

The ItemsPageByColumnValuesQuery type is used as an argument for the items_page_by_column_values object and contains a set of fields used to specify which columns and column values to filter your results by.


column_id String!The IDs of the specific columns to return results for.
column_values [String]!The column values to filter items by.

Items query

The ItemsQuery type is used as an argument for the items_page object and contains a set of parameters to filter, sort, and control the scope of the boards query.


FieldDescriptionSupported argumentsEnum values
ids [ID!]The specific item IDs to return. The maximum is 100.
rules [ItemsQueryRule!]The rules to filter your queries.column_id ID!
compare_attribute String
compare_value CompareValue!
operator ItemsQueryRuleOperator
operator ItemsQueryOperatorThe conditions between query rules. The default is and.and, or
order_by [ItemsQueryOrderBy!]The attributes to sort results by.column_id String!
direction ItemsOrderByDirection


The rules to filter your queries.


FieldDescriptionEnum values
column_id ID!The unique identifier of the column to filter by.
compare_attribute StringThe comparison attribute. You can find the supported attributes for each column type in the column types reference. Please note that most columns don't have a compare_attribute.
compare_value CompareValue!The column value to filter by. This can be a string or index value depending on the column type. You can find the supported values for each column type in the column types reference.
operator ItemsQueryRuleOperatorThe condition for value comparison. The default is any_of.any_of, not_any_of, is_empty, is_not_empty, greater_than, greater_than_or_equals, lower_than, lower_than_or_equal, between, not_contains_text, contains_text, contains_terms, starts_with, ends_with, within_the_next, within_the_last


The attributes to sort results by.


FieldDescriptionEnum values
column_id String!The unique identifier of the column to filter or sort by. You can also enter "__creation_log__" or "__last_updated__" to chronologically sort results by their last updated or creation date (oldest to newest).
direction ItemsOrderByDirectionThe direction to sort items in. The default is asc.asc, desc

Linked items

The linked_items field returns an item's linked items on an items query.


linked_board_id Int!The linked board's unique identifier.
link_to_item_column_id String!The link to item column's unique identifier.

Mirrored item

The MirroredItem type is used as a field on the MirrorValue implementation and contains a set of fields to return details about an item's mirrored items.


FieldsDescriptionPossible types
linked_board Board!The linked board.
linked_board_id ID!The linked board's unique identifier.
linked_item Item!The linked item.
mirrored_value MirroredValueThe mirrored values.Board, BoardRelationValue, ButtonValue, CheckboxValue, ColorPickerValue, CountryValue, CreationLogValue, DateValue, DependencyValue, DocValue, DropdownValue, EmailValue, FileValue, FormulaValue, Group, HourValue, ItemIdValue, LastUpdatedValue, LinkValue, LocationValue, LongTextValue, MirrorValue, NumbersValue, PeopleValue, PhoneValue, ProgressValue, RatingValue, StatusValue, SubtasksValue, TagsValue, TeamValue, TextValue, TimeTrackingValue, TimelineValue, UnsupportedValue, VoteValue, WeekValue, WorldClockValue

Number value unit direction

The NumberValueUnitDirection type is used as a field on the NumbersValue implementation that indicates whether the unit symbol is placed to the right or left of a number value.

Enum values

Enum valuesDescription
leftThe symbol is placed to the left of the number.
rightThe symbol is placed to the right of the number.

People entity

The PeopleEntity type is used as a field on the PeopleValue implementation that contains the column's people or team values.


FieldDescriptionEnum values
id ID!The unique identifier of the person or team.
kind KindThe type of entity.
  • person
  • team
  • Status label style

    The StatusLabelStyle type is used as a field on the StatusValue implementation and contains a set of fields that return details about the status label's style.


    border String!The label's border Hex color code.
    color String!The label's Hex color code.

    Position relative

    The PositionRelative type is used as an argument on the create_item and create_group mutations. It contains a set of enum values to determine the location of the item or group being created.

    Enum valueDescription
    after_atCreates the new group or item below the relative_to value.
    before_atCreates the new group or item above the relative_to value.

    Time tracking history item

    The TimeTrackingHistoryItem type is used as a field on the TimeTrackingValue implementation and contains a set of fields that returns data about the time tracking column history.

    created_at Date!The date the session was added to the item.
    ended_at DateThe date the session ended.
    ended_user_id IDThe unique identifier of the user that ended the time tracking.
    id ID!The unique session identifier.
    manually_entered_end_date Boolean!Returns true if the session end date was manually entered.
    manually_entered_end_time Boolean!Returns true if the session end time was manually entered.
    manually_entered_start_date Boolean!Returns true if the session start date was manually entered.
    manually_entered_start_time Boolean!Returns true if the session start time was manually entered.
    started_at DateThe date the session was started. Only applicable if the session was started by pressing the play button or through an automation.
    started_user_id IDThe unique identifier of the user that started the time tracking.
    status String!The session's status.
    updated_at DateThe date the session was updated.

    Update workspace attributes input

    The UpdateWorkspaceAttributesInput type is used as an argument on the update_workspace mutation and contains fields to specify what attributes to update.


    Pro tip

    This mutation is available in API versions 2024-01 and later.

    description StringThe updated workspace description.
    kind WorkspaceKindThe kind of workspace to update: open or closed.
    name StringThe updated workspace name.