Learn about other types supported by the monday platform API
Account product
The AccountProduct
type is used as a field on workspaces
queries. It contains a set of fields that returns metadata about the account product the queried workspace is in.
Field | Description | Enum values |
id Int | The unique identifier of the account product. | |
kind AccountProductKind | The account product. | core , crm , forms , marketing , projectManagement , project_management , service , software , whiteboard |
Activate users result
The ActivateUsersResult
type contains fields that show the result of activating a user through the activate_users
Field | Description | Supported fields |
activated_users [User!] | The users that were activated. | |
errors [ActivateUsersError!] | The errors that occurred while activating users. Use this field to check for calls that failed. | code ActivateUsersErrorCode message String user_id ID |
Activate users error
The ActivateUsersError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when a activate_users
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
code ActivateUsersErrorCode | The error code that occurred. | CANNOT_UPDATE_SELF EXCEEDS_BATCH_LIMIT FAILED INVALID_INPUT USER_NOT_FOUND |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Assign team owners result
The AssignTeamOwnersResult
type contains fields that show the result of assigning team owners through the assign_team_owners
Field | Description |
errors [AssignTeamOwnersError!] | The errors that occurred while assigning owners to a team. Use this field to check for calls that failed. |
team Team | The team the owners were assigned to. |
Assign team owners error
The AssignTeamOwnersError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when a assign_team_owners
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Change team memberships result
The ChangeTeamsMembershipResult
type contains fields that show the result of adding or removing users from a team for the add_users_to_team
and remove_users_from_team
Column mapping input
The ColumnMappingInput
type is an argument on the move_items_to_board
mutation that defines the column mapping between the target and source boards.
Field | Description |
source ID! | The source column's unique identifier. |
target ID | The target column's unique identifier. |
Column type
accepts enum values to specify which column type to filter, read, or update in your query or mutation.
Enum values
auto_number | long_text |
board_relation | mirror |
button | name |
checkbox | numbers |
color_picker | people |
country | phone |
creation_log | progress |
date | rating |
dependency | status |
doc | subtasks |
dropdown | tags |
team | |
file | text |
formula | timeline |
hour | time_tracking |
item_assignees | vote |
item_id | week |
last_updated | world_clock |
link | unsupported |
location |
Create doc input
The CreateDocInput!
type is an argument for the create_doc
mutation that contains a set of arguments to specify where to create the new doc.
Field | Description | Supported arguments |
board CreateDocBoardInput | The new document's location (when creating a doc on a board). | column_id String! item_id ID! |
workspace CreateDocWorkspaceInput | The new document's location (when creating a doc in a workspace). | kind BoardKind name String! workspace_id ID! |
Create doc board input
The CreateDocBoardInput
type is used to specify the item and column where you want to create the new document.
Field | Description |
column_id String! | The unique identifier of the column to create the new doc in. |
item_id ID! | The unique identifier of the item to create the new doc on. |
Create doc workspace input
The CreateDocWorkspaceInput
type is used to specify the workspace where you want to create a document and the new document's name and kind.
Field | Description | Enum values |
kind BoardKind | The kind of document to create. | private public share |
name String! | The new document's name. | |
workspace_id ID! | The unique identifier of the workspace to create the new doc in. |
Create team
Create team attributes input
The CreateTeamAttributesInput!
type is used as an argument on the create_team
mutation to specify the characteristics of the new team being created via the API.
Field | Description |
is_guest_team Boolean | Whether or not the new team contains guest users. |
name String! | The new team's name. |
parent_team_id ID | The parent team's unique identifier. |
subscriber_ids [ID!] | The team members's unique identifiers. Cannot be empty unless allow_empty_team is set. |
Create team options input
The CreateTeamOptionsInput
type is used to specify the options when creating a new team via the API.
Field | Description |
allow_empty_team Boolean | Whether or not the team can have no subscribers. |
Deactivate users result
The DeactivateUsersResult
type contains fields that show the result of deactivating a user through the deactivate_user
Field | Description |
deactivated_users [User]! | Data from the users that were deactivated. |
errors [DeactivateUsersError]! | The errors that occurred during deactivation. Use this field to check for calls that failed. |
Deactivate users error
The DeactivateUsersError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when a deactivate_user
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
code DeactivateUsersErrorCode | The error code that occurred. | CANNOT_UPDATE_SELF EXCEEDS_BATCH_LIMIT FAILED INVALID_INPUT USER_NOT_FOUND |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Invite users result
The InviteUsersResult
type contains fields that show the result of inviting a user through the invite_users
Field | Description |
invited_users [User!] | Data from the users that were successfully invited. |
errors [InviteUsersError!] | The errors that occurred while inviting users. Use this field to check for calls that failed. |
Invite users error
The InviteUsersError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when an invite_users
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
code InviteUsersErrorCode | The error code that occurred. | ERROR |
message String | The error message. | |
email ID | The email of the user that caused the error. |
Items page by column values query
The ItemsPageByColumnValuesQuery
type is used as an argument for the items_page_by_column_values
object and contains a set of fields used to specify which columns and column values to filter your results by.
Field | Description |
column_id String! | The IDs of the specific columns to return results for. |
column_values [String]! | The column values to filter items by. |
Items query
The ItemsQuery
type is used as an argument for the items_page
object and contains a set of parameters to filter, sort, and control the scope of the boards
Field | Description | Enum values | Supported arguments |
ids [ID!] | The specific item IDs to return. The maximum is 100. | ||
rules [ItemsQueryRule!] | The rules to filter your queries. | column_id ID! compare_attribute String compare_value CompareValue! operator ItemsQueryRuleOperator | |
operator ItemsQueryOperator | The conditions between query rules. The default is and. | and or | |
order_by [ItemsQueryOrderBy!] | The attributes to sort results by. | column_id String! direction ItemsOrderByDirection |
The rules to filter your queries.
Field | Description | Enum values |
column_id ID! | The unique identifier of the column to filter by. | |
compare_attribute String | The comparison attribute. You can find the supported attributes for each column type in the column types reference. Most columns don't have a compare_attribute . | |
compare_value CompareValue! | The column value to filter by. This can be a string or index value depending on the column type. You can find the supported values for each column type in the column types reference. | |
operator ItemsQueryRuleOperator | The condition for value comparison. The default is any_of. | any_of not_any_of is_empty is_not_empty greater_than greater_than_or_equals lower_than lower_than_or_equal between not_contains_text contains_text contains_terms starts_with ends_with within_the_next within_the_last |
The attributes to sort results by.
Field | Description | Enum values |
column_id String! | The unique identifier of the column to filter or sort by. You can also enter "__creation_log__" or "__last_updated__" to chronologically sort results by their last updated or creation date (oldest to newest). | |
direction ItemsOrderByDirection | The direction to sort items in. The default is asc. | asc desc |
The Like
type is used as a field on updates
queries and contains a set of fields to return details about the update's reactions or likes.
Fields | Description | Enum values |
created_at Date | The like's creation date. | |
creator User | The user that liked the update. | |
creator_id String | The unique identifier of the user that liked the update. | |
id ID! | The like's unique identifier. | |
reaction_type ReactionType | The reaction type. | Clap Happy Like Love PlusOne Rocks Trophy Wow |
updated_at Date | The like's last updated date. |
Linked items
The linked_items
field returns an item's linked items on an items
Arguments | Description |
linked_board_id Int! | The linked board's unique identifier. |
link_to_item_column_id String! | The link to item column's unique identifier. |
Mirrored item
The MirroredItem
type is used as a field on the MirrorValue
implementation and contains a set of fields to return details about an item's mirrored items.
Fields | Description | Possible types |
linked_board Board! | The linked board. | |
linked_board_id ID! | The linked board's unique identifier. | |
linked_item Item! | The linked item. | |
mirrored_value MirroredValue | The mirrored values. | Board , BoardRelationValue , ButtonValue , CheckboxValue , ColorPickerValue , CountryValue , CreationLogValue , DateValue , DependencyValue , DocValue , DropdownValue , EmailValue , FileValue , FormulaValue , Group , HourValue , ItemIdValue , LastUpdatedValue , LinkValue , LocationValue , LongTextValue , MirrorValue , NumbersValue , PeopleValue , PhoneValue , ProgressValue , RatingValue , StatusValue , SubtasksValue , TagsValue , TeamValue , TextValue , TimeTrackingValue , TimelineValue , UnsupportedValue , VoteValue , WeekValue , WorldClockValue |
Number value unit direction
The NumberValueUnitDirection
type is used as a field on the NumbersValue
implementation that indicates whether the unit symbol is placed to the right or left of a number value.
Enum values | Description |
left | The symbol is placed to the left of the number. |
right | The symbol is placed to the right of the number. |
People entity
The PeopleEntity
type is used as a field on the PeopleValue
implementation that contains the column's people or team values.
Field | Description | Enum values |
id ID! | The unique identifier of the person or team. | |
kind Kind | The type of entity. | person team |
Remove team owners result
The RemoveTeamOwnersResult
type contains fields that show the result of removing team owners through the remove_team_owners
Field | Description |
errors [RemoveTeamOwnersError!] | The errors that occurred while removing owners from a team. Use this field to check for calls that failed. |
team Team | The team the owners were removed from. |
Remove team owners error
The RemoveTeamOwnersError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when a remove_team_owners
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
The Reply
type is used as a field on updates
queries and contains a set of fields to return details about the update's replies.
Fields | Description | Supported fields |
body String! | The reply's HTML-formatted body. | |
created_at Date | The reply's creation date. | |
creator User | The reply's creator. | |
creator_id String | The unique identifier of the reply's creator. | |
id ID! | The reply's unique identifier. | |
kind String! | The reply's kind. | |
likes [Like!]! | The reply's likes. | created_at Date creator User creator_id String id ID! reaction_type String updated_at Date |
pinned_to_top [UpdatePin!]! | The reply's pin to top data. | item_id ID! |
text_body String | The reply's text body. | |
updated_at Date | The reply's last updated date. |
Status label style
The StatusLabelStyle
type is used as a field on the StatusValue
implementation. It contains a set of fields that return details about the status label's style.
Field | Description |
border String! | The label's border Hex color code. |
color String! | The label's Hex color code. |
Position relative
The PositionRelative
type is used as an argument on the create_item
and create_group
mutations. It contains a set of enum values to determine the location of the item or group being created.
Enum value | Description |
after_at | Creates the new group or item below the relative_to value. |
before_at | Creates the new group or item above the relative_to value. |
Time tracking history item
The TimeTrackingHistoryItem
type is used as a field on the TimeTrackingValue
implementation. It contains a set of fields that returns data about the time tracking column history.
Field | Description |
created_at Date! | The date the session was added to the item. |
ended_at Date | The date the session ended. |
ended_user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that ended the time tracking. |
id ID! | The unique session identifier. |
manually_entered_end_date Boolean! | Returns true if the session end date was manually entered. |
manually_entered_end_time Boolean! | Returns true if the session end time was manually entered. |
manually_entered_start_date Boolean! | Returns true if the session start date was manually entered. |
manually_entered_start_time Boolean! | Returns true if the session start time was manually entered. |
started_at Date | The date the session was started. Only applicable if the session was started by pressing the play button or through an automation. |
started_user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that started the time tracking. |
status String! | The session's status. |
updated_at Date | The date the session was updated. |
Update users' attributes
User update input
The [UserUpdateInput!]!
type is used as an argument on the update_multiple_users
mutation and contains fields to specify what attributes to update.
Only available in API versions
and later
Field | Description |
user_attribute_updates UserAttributesInput! | The attributes to update. |
user_id ID! | The unique identifier of the user to update. |
User attributes input
The UserAttributesInput!
type contains fields to specify what attributes to update.
Only available in API versions
and later
Field | Description |
birthday String | The user's updated birthday. Use YYYY-MM-DD format. |
department String | The user's updated department. |
email String | The user's updated email. |
join_date String | The user's updated join date. Use YYYY-MM-DD format. |
location String | The user's updated location. |
mobile_phone String | The user's updated mobile phone number. |
name String | The user's updated name. |
phone String | The user's updated phone number. |
title String | The user's updated title. |
Update user attributes result
The UpdateUserAttributesResult
type contains fields that show the result of updating a user's attributes through the update_multiple_users
Only available in API versions
and later
Field | Description |
errors [UpdateUserAttributesError!] | The errors that occurred while updating the user's attributes. Use this field to check for failed calls. |
updated_users [User!] | Data from the users that were updated. |
Update user attributes error
The [UpdateUserAttributesError!]
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when an update_multiple_users
mutation fails.
Only available in API versions
and later
Field | Description | Enum values |
code UpdateUserAttributesErrorCode | The error code. | INVALID_FIELD |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Update user's email domain
Update email domain attributes input
The UpdateEmailDomainAttributesInput
type contains fields to specify what attributes to update through the update_email_domain
Field | Description |
new_domain String! | The updated email domain. |
user_ids [ID!]! | The unique identifiers of the users to update. The maximum is 200. |
Update user's email domain result
The UpdateUsersEmailDomainResult
type contains fields that show the result of updating a user's email domain through the update_email_domain
Field | Description |
errors [UpdateEmailDomainError!] | The errors that occurred while updating the email domain. Use this field to check for failed calls. |
updated_users [User!] | Data from the users that were updated. |
Update email domain error
The UpdateEmailDomainError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when an update_email_domain
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Update user's role result
The UpdateUsersRoleResult
type contains fields that show the result of updating a user's role through the update_users_role
Field | Description |
errors [UpdateUsersRoleError!] | The errors that occurred while updating the role. Use this field to check for calls that failed. |
updated_users [User]! | Data from the users that were updated. |
Update user's role error
The UpdateUsersRoleError
type contains a subset of fields to describe the error that occurred when an update_users_role
mutation fails.
Field | Description | Enum values |
code UpdateUsersRoleErrorCode | The error code that occurred. | CANNOT_UPDATE_SELF EXCEEDS_BATCH_LIMIT FAILED INVALID_INPUT USER_NOT_FOUND |
message String | The error message. | |
user_id ID | The unique identifier of the user that caused the error. |
Update workspace attributes input
The UpdateWorkspaceAttributesInput
type is used as an argument on the update_workspace
mutation and contains fields to specify what attributes to update.
Field | Description | Enum values |
description String | The updated workspace description. | |
kind WorkspaceKind | The kind of workspace to update. | closed open |
name String | The updated workspace name. |
Workspace settings
The WorkspaceSettings
type is used as a field on workspaces
queries. It supports one field to return data about the workspace's settings.
Field | Description | Supported fields |
icon WorkspaceIcon | The workspace's icon. | color String image String |
Workspace icon
The WorkspaceIcon
type is used as a field when querying a workspace's settings. It contains a set of fields that returns data about the workspace's icon.
Field | Description |
color String | The hex value of the icon's color. Used as a background for the image. |
image String | The temporary public image URL (valid for one hour). |