Developers can now build AI apps using our AI assistant app features 🙌

We've developed six app features that live in various locations in the platform, use different SDK methods, and work best with certain types of apps. You should decide which feature you'd like to build based on your app's logic:

We've also compiled a quickstart guide that walks you through each step of creating an AI assistant app feature. If you have any other questions, please open a ticket by emailing [email protected]!

Happy building 🔨

We're excited to present three brand new board menu app features:

  • Board group menu
  • Board item menu (coming soon)
  • Board multi-item menu

These new features enable to you create apps that work on a single group, a single item, or on multiple items. You can create these just like any other feature, but make sure you have developer mode turned on!

You're able to start building with the board group menu and board multi-item menu features TODAY, but the board item menu feature will be available soon. As always, we will announce the release both here in the changelog and the community.

We recently released 3 new SDK methods that allow you to maintain storage across each application, rather than each instance. With the new methods, the storage is not tied to a specific instance so it does not reset between major versions.

  •, value)

Please note that with global-level storage, developers are the ones responsible for managing how items are stored on the client side - not monday.

Yesterday we implemented the new sandboxing restrictions, but we have decided to revert the update to give app developers more time to test their apps against the new restrictions.

As of now, the five original directives will remain the same. If your app requires a popup, please check out the new SDK method that allows you to open links in a new tab.

Please test your app in the sandboxed environment to ensure that you don’t have any issues when the new restrictions are implemented. If you do, please reach out to us as soon as possible to identify a possible workaround.

We will update you shortly on any changes to the restrictions, including the new release date, in the changelog and in the community.

Part 2 of sandboxing for all iframes will now be implemented on July 5th, 2023 to give developers more time to test their apps against the new restrictions. Please note that the original directives will remain the same:

  • allow-forms: Allows the page to submit forms. The form will be displayed as normal, but submitting it will not trigger input validation, sending data to a web server, or closing a dialog if this keyword is not used.
  • allow-downloads: Allows downloading files through an <a> or <area> element with the download attribute and through the navigation that leads to a file download. This works regardless of whether the user clicked on the link or JS code initiated it without user interaction.
  • allow-presentation: Allows embedders to have control over whether an iframe can start a presentation session.
  • allow-same-origin: The resource is treated as being from a special origin that always fails the same-origin policy (potentially preventing access to data storage/cookies and some JavaScript APIs) if this token is not used.
  • allow-scripts: Allows the page to run scripts (but not create pop-up windows). This operation is not allowed if this keyword is not used.

If you need to open a link in a new tab, you can use the new monday.execute("openLinkInTab") method.

We recommend testing your app in the sandboxed environment with the new restrictions to ensure nothing breaks. You can do so by adding the _apps_sandbox=v2 query param to a monday URL. If something breaks and there’s no workaround, please complete a support request so we can find a resolution.

We recently deployed a bug fix so the change_column_value webhook fires whenever column values in new columns on the relevant board change.

Before, the webhook would only fire after registering a second change_column_value webhook on the same board.

You can find more information about webhooks in our documentation!

We released a new version of monday vibe (our react components library). It has some breaking changes for some of you. Check out v2.0.0 on npm here.

Potential breaking change: This new version uses CSS modules, so any code that tries to override the styles from the library will not work correctly.

If you’re not overriding the CSS, it should be a seamless upgrade. I recommend upgrading as soon as yopu can so that new components we release will work as expected.

And if you’re not using Vibe yet, we suggest you do 😄 Check out the docs here: monday vibe

Drop a note in our community if you're having any trouble with the upgrade!