App listing page

Your app must meet the following app listing page requirements to receive approval for the app marketplace. Check out our app listing guidelines for more details about each requirement!

  1. Add up to 10 relevant keywords to optimize search results and increase your app’s discoverability.
  2. Select up to three predefined categories that your app falls under.
  3. Write a short description to help users understand the purpose of your app.
  4. Write a long description that conveys your app’s functionality, features, and value.
  5. Create one image highlighting your app's key features to include on the app card.
  6. Provide an app icon to display in the marketplace.
  7. You also need a developer icon that will appear in the developer section.
  8. Include 3-5 images to highlight your app in the photo gallery.
  9. Create a video for your app listing page that demonstrates the app’s features, functionality, UI, and UX.


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