Looking for API documentation?
This article discusses the
JavaScript method. You can find our API documentation here!
You can use monday.api
to query the GraphQL API seamlessly on behalf of the connected user or by using an API token. Scopes will be based on the permissions of the logged-in user and the scopes you have configured in your app.
Our GraphQL API exposes methods to get board data, create items, notify people, and much more. You can find all available queries and mutations in our API reference.
: A GraphQL query, can be either a query (retrieval operation) or a mutation (creation/update/deletion operation). Placeholders may be used, which will be substituted by the variables object passed within the options.options
Option | Description | Required | Default |
apiVersion | The API version to send the request to | No | If not included, the request will use the current stable version. |
token | Access token for the API | Only on server | If not set, it will use the credentials of the current user (client only). |
variables | An object containing GraphQL query variables | No |
Instead of passing the API token to the api() method on each request, you can set the API token once using:
A Promise
that will be resolved
to the API response.
If there was an unhandled GraphQL error in the API, a Promise
will be rejected
with an Error. In case of handled errors from GraphQL API (response with the 200 status), a Promise
will be resolved
with the API response.
You can check the list of GraphQL API errors here.
Set the API version
monday.api('query { account { id } }', {
apiVersion: '2024-10'
.then(res => { ... })
Client-side query to retrieve the ID and name of users within the account that the connected user can view
monday.api(`query { users { id, name } }`).then(res => {
/* { data: { users: [{id: 12312, name: "Bart Simpson"}, {id: 423423, name: "Homer Simpson"}] } } */
Server-side query that fetches all the names of users in the account
monday.api('query { users { name } }').then(res => {...})
Mutation that sends a notification to user_id
, which will take the user to item_id
after clicking
, which will take the user to item_id
after clickingmonday.api(`
mutation {
text: "I've got a notification for you!",
user_id: ${user_id},
target_id: ${item_id},
target_type: Project,
internal: true
) {
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Updated 4 months ago