Command line interface (CLI)

The monday CLI enables you to interact with the apps framework using a set of predefined commands to execute various operations. This document explains how to install the CLI and walks through the supported commands, but you can also access the CLI here.


To start using the CLI, you must first install it using the following command:

$ npm install -g @mondaycom/apps-cli

After installing the CLI, use the mapps init command to add your API token:

$ mapps init -t <SECRET_TOKEN>


Global flags

The following global flags are optional and can be used on any command.

Global flagDescription
--print-commandPrints the command that was executed.
--verbosePrints advanced logs.

mapps api:generate

The mapps api:generate command prepares your environment for custom query development by creating all necessary files and scripts. Make sure to run it from your root directory!


$ mapps api:generate

mapps app:create

The mapps app:create command creates an app.


Long flagShort flagDescription
--targetDir-dThe directory to create the app in.
--name-nThe new app's name.


$ mapps app:create -n NEW_APP_NAME

mapps app:deploy

The mapps app:deploy command deploys an app using manifest file.


Long flagShort flagDescription
--appId-aThe app's unique identifier.
--directoryPath-dThe project's directory path. If excluded, the working directory will be used.
--force-fForce push to the latest version (draft or live).
--appVersionId-vThe version's unique identifier.
--region-zThe region to use: us, au, or eu.


$ mapps app:deploy

mapps app:list

The mapps app:list command lists all apps for a specific user.


$ mapps app:list

mapps app-features:build

The mapps app-features:build command creates a new app feature build. Please note that it currently only supports custom URL or monday code build types.


Long flagShort flagDescription
--appId-aThe app's unique identifier.
--appFeatureId-dThe app feature's unique identifier.
--appVersionId-iThe app version's unique identifier.
--buildType-tThe build type: custom_url or monday_code.
--customUrl-uThe custom URL for your app's build (if applicable).


$ mapps app-features:build // or $ mapps app-features:build -a 123456789 -i 987654321 -d 17654321 -t custom_url -u // or $ mapps app-features:build -a 123456789 -i 987654321 -d 17654321 -t monday_code -u /triggers

mapps app-features:create

The mapps app-features:create command creates a new app feature.


Long flagShort flagDescriptionAccepted values
--appId-aThe app's unique identifier.
--appVersionId-iThe app version's unique identifier.
--featureName-nThe feature's name.
--featureType-tThe feature's type.
  • AppFeatureBoardView
  • AppFeatureAiBoardMainMenuHeader
  • AppFeatureDashboardWidget
  • AppFeatureItemMenuAction
  • AppFeatureItemBatchAction
  • AppFeatureGroupMenuAction
  • AppFeatureObject
  • AppFeatureWorkspaceView
  • AppFeatureItemView
  • AppFeatureAiDocQuickStart
  • AppFeatureAiDocTopBar
  • AppFeatureAiDocSlashCommand
  • AppFeatureDocActions
  • AppFeatureIntegration
  • AppFeatureProductView
  • mapps app-features:list

    The mapps app-features:list command lists all features for a specific app version.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    -appId-aThe app's unique identifier.
    --appVersionId-iThe app version's unique identifier.


    $ mapps app-features:list // or $ mapps app-features:list -a 123456789 -i 987654321

    mapps app-version:builds

    The mapps app-version:builds command lists all builds for a specific app version.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appVersionId-iThe version's unique identifier.
    $ mapps app-version:builds -t 987654321

    mapps app-version:list

    The mapps app-version:list command lists all versions for a particular app.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-iThe app's unique identifier.


    $ mapps app-version:list -i 1234567890

    mapps autocomplete [SHELL]

    The mapps autocomplete [SHELL] command displays the autocomplete installation instructions.


    SHELLThe shell type: zsh, bash, or powershell.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --refresh-cache-rRefreshes the cache (ignores displaying instructions).


    $ mapps autocomplete bash

    mapps code:env

    The mapps code:env command manages environment variables for your app hosted on monday-code.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-iThe app's ID.
    --key-kThe variable key (required for set and delete).
    --mode-mThe management mode: list-keys, set, ordelete.
    --value-vThe variable value (required for set).
    --region-zThe region to use: us, au, or eu.


    $ mapps code:env -m set -k <KEY> -v <VALUE>

    mapps code:logs

    The mapps code:logs command streams logs.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --logsEndDate-eThe log's end date (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm). Only supported for history events.
    --logsStartDate-fThe log's start date (e.g. MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm). Only supported for history events.
    --appVersionId-iThe app's version ID.
    --logSearchFromText-rThe regex text to search the logs for. Only supported for live events.
    --eventSource-sThe log's source: live (live events) or history (past events).
    --logsType-tThe log's type: http (http events) or console (stdout).
    --region-zThe region to use: us, au, or eu.


    $ mapps code:logs -i <APP_VERSION_ID> -t <LOGS_TYPE>

    mapps code:push

    The mapps code:push command pushes your project to be hosted on monday-code. It is only available for monday-code projects.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-aThe app's ID.
    --directoryPath-dThe project's directory path. If excluded, the working directory will be used.
    --force-fForce push to the latest version (draft or live).
    --appVersionId-iThe app's version ID.
    --region-zThe region to use: us, au, eu.


    $ mapps code:push -d <PROJECT DIRECTORY PATH> -i <APP_VERSION_ID_TO_PUSH>

    mapps code:secret

    The mapps code:secret command manages secret variables for your app hosted on monday-code. It is only available for monday-code projects.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    -appId-iThe app's ID.
    --key-kThe variable key (required for set and delete).
    --mode-mThe management mode: list-keys, set, or delete.
    --value-vThe variable value (required for set).
    --region-zThe region to use: us, au, eu.


    $ mapps code:secret -m set -k <KEY> -v <VALUE>

    mapps code:status

    The mapps code:status command provides the status of a specific project hosted on monday-code. It is only available for monday-code projects.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appVersionId-iThe app's version ID.
    --region-zThe region to use: us, au, eu.


    $ mapps code:status -i <APP_VERSION_ID>

    mapps help [COMMANDS]

    The mapps help [COMMANDS] command displays help for mapps.


    COMMANDSThe command to show help for.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --nested-commands-nIncludes all nested commands in the output.


    $ mapps help [COMMANDS] [-n]

    mapps init

    The mapps init command initializes the mapps config file (i.e., ".mappsrc"). You can use this command to add your API token to access the CLI.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --local-lCreates the configuration file locally in the current project working directory. Use this if you are using different access tokens for each of your projects.
    --token-tThe API access token.


    $ mapps init -t <SECRET_TOKEN>

    mapps storage:export

    The mapps storage:export command exports all keys and values stored on monday for a specific customer account

    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-aThe app to retrieve the key for.
    --clientAccountId-cThe client account number.
    --fileDirectory-dThe file path. Optional. If not used, it will take your current folder.
    --fileFormat-fThe file format: CSV or JSON. Optional, the default is JSON.


    $ mapps storage:export // or $ mapps storage:export -a 12345678790 -c 9876543210

    mapps storage:remove-data

    The mapps storage:remove-data command removes all storage data for a specific customer account.

    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-aThe app's ID.
    --clientAccountId-cThe client account number.
    --force-fSkip the confirmation step


    $ mapps storage:remove-data -a 1234567890 -c 9876543210

    mapps storage:search

    The mapps storage:search command searches keys and values stored on monday for a specific customer account.

    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-aThe app to retrieve the key for.
    --clientAccountId-cThe client account number.
    --term-tThe term to search for.


    $ mapps storage:search // or $ mapps storage:search -a 1234567890 -c 9876543210 -t keyword

    mapps tunnel:create

    The mapps tunnel:create command creates a networking tunnel to publicly expose code running on the local machine.


    Long flagShort flagDescription
    --appId-aThe unique identifier of the app to get a unique tunnel domain for.
    --port-pThe port to forward tunnel traffic to. The default is 8080.


    $ mapps tunnel:create -p 3000 -a 123456789

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