JavaScript SDK

The monday code JavaScript SDK gives developers useful tools to build and host secure apps using monday code that seamlessly integrate with the platform. It currently contains six methods:

This document will walk through each available method, its parameters, and relevant code samples. You can also access the SDK here.

Install the SDK

You can install the monday code Javascript SDK using npm install:

npm i @mondaycom/apps-sdk


The storage method stores your app's customer data. The data is stored securely and logically segregated, meaning it is stored in smaller categories on the same device to easily grant or block access. It is segregated according to the accountId and app, so data stored by one account is inaccessible by other accounts to provide an additional layer of security.

The following limits apply to the storage methods:

  • Key length limit: 256
  • Storage limit per key: 6MB
  • Concurrency limit per JWT token: 1,000 requests per minute


ParameterTypeDescriptionRequiredSupported methods
keyStringThe key to store, retrieve, or delete content for.Yesset
valueAny serializable objectThe value to store.Yesset
  • False if data is not shared between integrations and views. It is only accessible from backend-oriented apps. This is the default.
  • True if stored data is accessible from both frontend and backend-oriented apps.
  • Noset
    previousVersionStringThe last version of the stored value for a specific key.Noset
    versionStringThe new version of the stored value. Yesset
    cursorStringThe curosr used to paginate through large sets of results. Nosearch


    ACCESS_TOKENThe access token of the customer/account the app works for.
    import { Storage } from '@mondaycom/apps-sdk'; const storage = new Storage('<ACCESS_TOKEN>');


    We expose four methods to manage the storage: set, get, search, and delete.


    The storage.set method stores value under key in the database.

    const { version, success, error } = await storage.set(key, value, { previousVersion, shared });


    The storage.get method returns a stored value from the database under key.

    const { value, version, success } = await storage.get(key, { shared });


    The method fetches a stored value by key.

    const { records, cursor, success } = await, { cursor });


    The storage.delete method deletes a stored value under key from the database.

    const { success, error } = await storage.delete(key, { shared });

    Secure storage

    The secureStorage method stores sensitive customer data for monday-code projects. The data is stored securely and logically segregated, meaning it is stored in smaller categories on the same device to easily grant or block access. It is segregated for your specific app, so data stored by one app is inaccessible by other apps to provide an additional layer of security.

    This method will automatically utilize the real secure storage if your monday-code project is deployed. If you use the SDK locally, it will utilize the local secure storage, or a local mock database that mimics the API exposed by the real secure storage. The local secure storage will not be retained if you don't have permissions to write files on the disk.

    The following limits apply to the secureStorage methods:

    • Concurrency limit: 30 requests per second


    keyStringThe key to store content for.Yes
    valueAnyThe serializable value to store.Yes


    import { SecureStorage } from '@mondaycom/apps-sdk'; const secureStorage = new SecureStorage();


    We expose three methods to manage secure storage: set, get, and delete.


    The secureStorage.set method stores value under key in the database.

    keyStringThe key to store content for.Yes
    valueAnyThe serializable value to store. If the value is not an object, it will be wrapped in an object with a key value.Yes
    await secureStorage.set(key, value);


    The secureStorage.get method returns a stored value from the database under key.

    const storedValue = await secureStorage.get(key);


    The secureStorage.delete method deletes a stored value under key from the database.

    await secureStorage.delete(key);

    Environment variables manager

    The EnvironmentVariablesManager method enables you to read your app's environment variables in a deployed monday-code project. If you need to set the variables, you can use the CLI.

    The variables are on an app level, so you can access them with all app versions.

    If you are using the node.js SDK, we encourage you to utilize the environment variables manager to load variables without redeploying your server. If you are using other languages, you need to redeploy the service so new variables will take effect.


    import { EnvironmentVariablesManager } from '@mondaycom/apps-sdk'; // Initialize the environment variables manager without injecting env into `process.env` let envManager = new EnvironmentVariablesManager(); // Initialize the environment variables manager and inject env into `process.env` envManager = new EnvironmentVariablesManager({ updateProcessEnv: true });


    We expose two methods to manage the environment variables: get and getKeys.


    The envManager.get method retrieves environment variables.

    // Get cached environment variable const cachedValue = envManager.get(key, { invalidate: false }); // Get the latest version of environment variable const latestValue = envManager.get(key);


    The envManager.getKeys method retrieves environment variables keys.

    // Get all cached environment variables keys const cachedKeys = envManager.getKeys({ invalidate: false }); // Get all environment variables keys const latestKeys = envManager.getKeys();

    Secrets manager

    The SecretsManager method enables you to read secrets for your app in a deployed monday-code project. You can set secrets in the monday code section of the Developer Center UI.

    The following limits apply to the SecretsManager methods:


    import { SecretsManager } from '@mondaycom/apps-sdk'; const secretsManager = new SecretsManager();


    We expose two methods to manage secrets: get and getKeys.


    The get method retrieves secrets.

    // Get cached secrets const cachedValue = secretsManager.get(key, { invalidate: false }); // Get the latest version of a secret const latestValue = secretsManager.get(key);


    The getKeys method retrieves secrets keys.

    // Get all cached secrets keys const cachedKeys = secretsManager.getKeys({ invalidate: false }); // Get all secrets keys const latestKeys = secretsManager.getKeys();


    The logger is a simple way to log your app's messages in a monday-code project. You can access the logged messages via the CLI. Logs written without the logger are not accessible using the CLI and may not get labeled correctly.


    import { Logger } from '@mondaycom/apps-sdk'; const tag = 'my-app'; // tag will be added to every logged message const logger = new Logger(tag);


    We expose four methods to manage environment variables: info, warn, error, and debug.


    The method logs an info message.'info message');


    The logger.warn method logs a warning message.

    logger.warn('warn message');


    The logger.debug method logs a debug message.

    logger.debug('debug message');


    The logger.error method logs an error message.

    // Stack trace will be logged as well if error is provided logger.error('error message', { error: new Error('error') });


    We support a queue built on a simple publish-subscribe (i.e., pub/sub) model. Please note that each minor and major app version has its own queue.


    import { Queue } from "@mondaycom/apps-sdk"; const queue = new Queue();


    We expose two methods to manage the queue: publishMessage and validateMessageSecret.


    The publishMessage method publishes a message to the queue. It takes the message parameter as a string.

    After publishing, messages are sent as POST requests to a specific app endpoint: /mndy-queue.

    const messageContent = JSON.stringify({ content: "This is a message" }) const messageId = await queue.publishMessage(messageContent)


    Each message contains a random secret string in the query params of the request that can be used to authenticate the request. The validateMessageSecret method confirms whether or not a message is valid and that the request to the /mndy-queue endpoint was triggered by monday code.

    Please note that each minor and major app version has its own secret for the message.

    const queryParams = req.query; if (!queue.validateMessageSecret(queryParams.secret)) {"Queue message received is not valid, since secret does not match. This message could come from an attacker."); throw new Error('not allowed'); }

    Receiving a message

    All messages will be sent to your app as HTTP POST requests at the /mndy-queue endpoint. "/mndy-queue", async (req, res) => { try { const { body, query } = req; readQueueMessage({ body, query }); return res.status(200).send({}); // return 200 to ACK the queue message } catch (err) { logger.error(err.error); return res.status(500).send({ message: "internal server error" }); } } );

    Responding to a message

    When you receive a message, you should respond to the request with a success status (HTTP 200) within 10 minutes. If you don't respond in that time, or if you return an error, we will attempt to resend the queue item 9 more times. The message will disappear after the tenth and final attempt.

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