Your app must meet the following UI/UX requirements to receive approval for the app marketplace:

  1. Perform actions as quickly as possible, ideally in up to one second. If the action takes more time, show the user visibility of the progress.

  2. For integration recipes, make the wording as concise as possible. The user should clearly understand what the trigger and action are. For example, When {trigger}, then {action}.

    For board views, item views, and dashboard widgets apps, share hints and tips to guide users through the app.

  3. Do not capitalize the m in

  4. Utilize monday’s settings, search bar, and filters. You can refer to our design system for more information.

  5. For board views and widgets, you must include a welcome page that displays before the app’s main page. The welcome page should include a welcome message, first-time-use instructions with screenshots, and any necessary data the user should know before using the app. The welcome page is not required for recipes.

  6. The app should be easy and convenient for all new users. We recommend asking family and friends to use your app without any assistance to test its convenience and usability.

  7. Ensure that your app supports different modes like light mode, dark mode, or night mode.



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