Built-in actions

A comprehensive list of our built-in actions for your integration recipe action blocks.

What are monday action blocks?

Whether you're just dipping your toes into the monday apps framework, or looking to build an integration recipe without building a custom action, our monday action blocks are right for you. These action blocks allow you to build out your custom recipes with ease.

These actions are also available in the custom recipe builder.

To utilize a monday action block, choose any of the listed actions in the left hand panel of your custom recipe:

Create item action

Create Item

This action will create a new item on your board.

Input fields

BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item will be created.
Item column valuesitemColumnValuesThe column values that will populate the new item.

Move item to group

This action will move a specified existing item to a different group on the board.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that contains the item that will move.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will move.Yes
GroupgroupIdThe ID of the group that the item will move to.


This action will notify a selected person with a message.

Input fields

BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that contains the item to notify someone about.
UseruserIdThe ID of the user that will send the notification.
ItemitemdThe ID of the item to notify someone about.
MessagemessageThe message that will be sent in the body of the notification.
Notification receiverreceiverThe person who will receive the notification. This can be a user, email column, etc.

Change status

This action will change the status of a selected item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that contains the item with the status change.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item with the status change.Yes
Status columncolumnIdThe ID of the Status column with the status change.
Status column valuestatusColumnValueThe updated value of the status label.Yes

Assign person

This action will assign a person to the selected task.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that contains the item that will be assigned to someone.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will be assigned to someone.Yes
People columncolumnIdThe ID of the People column that someone will be assigned in.
People column valuecolumnValueThe person value that will be assigned.

Create item in group

This action will create a new item in a selected group.

Input fields

BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that contains the item that will be created.
GroupgroupIdThe ID of the group where the item will be created.

Set date to today

This action will set the Date column of an item to the current date.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's date will be set to today.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that's date will be set to today.Yes
Date columncolumnIdThe ID of the Date column that will be set to today's date.

Start time tracking

This action will start time tracking for a specific item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's time tracking will begin.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where the time tracking will begin.Yes
Time tracking columntrimeTrackingIdThe ID of the column where the time tracking will begin.

Stop time tracking

This action will stop time tracking for a specific item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's time tracking will stop.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where the time tracking will stop.Yes
Time tracking columntimeTrackingIdThe ID of the column where time tracking will begin.

Push date

Push the date of an item by a specific amount of time.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's date will be pushed.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where the date will be pushed.Yes
Date columndateColumnIdThe ID of the column where the date will be pushed.
DurationdurationThe duration that the date will be pushed.

Clear assignees

This action will un-assign all users from the selected people column.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item will be unassigned.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will be unassigned.Yes
People columncolumnIdThe ID of the People column that will be unassigned.

Duplicate group

This action will duplicate the selected group.

Input fields

BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the group will be duplicated.
GroupgroupIdThe ID of the group that will be duplicated.

Assign creator

This action will assign a creator to the selected item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where a creator will be assigned to the item.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where a creator will be assigned.Yes
People columncolumnIdThe ID of the People column that will hold the assigned creator designation.

Duplicate item

This action will duplicate a preselected item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item will be duplicated.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will be duplicated.Yes

Assign team

This action will assign a team to a selected item column.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item will be assigned a team.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will be assigned a team.Yes
People columncolumnIdThe ID of the People column that will hold the assigned team designation.
Team column valuecolumnValueThe column value of the team that will be assigned.

Create an item on a board

This action will create an item with column mapping for the recipe user to select from.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item will be created with mapping.
ItemitemIdThe item ID of the trigger output.Yes
ItemitemMappingThe item ID that will be created with column mapping abilities.

Notify (without item and user)

This action will notify an individual without association to any single item.

Input fields

BoardboardIdThe ID of the board that the notification will be sent about.
UseruserIdThe ID of the user that will send the notification.
MessagemessageThe message in the notification that will be sent.
Notification receiverreceiverThe user that will receive the notification.

Set number to

This action will set the selected number column to a certain value.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's Number column will be set.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where the number will be set.Yes
Number columncolumnIdThe ID of the Number column that will be set.
NumbernumberThe number that the Number column will be set to.

Create subitem

This action will create a subitem in a certain item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
ItemitemIdThe ID of the parent item of the subitem that will be created.Yes
Subitem column valuesitemColumnValuesThe values for the new subitem's columns.

Create update

This action will create an update on a selected item.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
BoardboardIdThe ID of the board where the item's update will be created.
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item where the update will be created.Yes
MessageupdateBodyThe body of the update that will be created.
UseruserIdThe ID of that user that will post the update.Yes

Move item to board

This action will move an item to a specific board.

Input fields

TypeIDDescriptionConfiguration needed
ItemitemIdThe ID of the item that will move to a specific board.Yes
BoardtargetBoardIdThe ID of the board that the item will move to.
Item mappingitemMappingThe item values that will be mapped after the item moves.Yes


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