Example integrations

Install our example apps to learn the fundamentals of the monday app framework.

We have three example projects to show you what a working integration app looks like.


This is the simplest example we have. It shows a monday-to-monday integration, which capitalizes text from one column and adds it to another. Read the tutorial and access the sample code.

The quickstart will teach you:

  • Implementation of a custom action block & custom field type
  • Authentication with monday API (using a short-lived token)
  • Hitting the monday API when the block is invoked

Github integration

This sample app creates issues in Github when items are created in monday (and vice versa). Clone the code for the Github integration.

The Github integration will teach you:

Slack integration

This app sends messages in Slack when items change in monday. Clone the Slack integration from Github.

The Slack integration will teach you:

  • Implementation of a custom action block & custom field type
  • Authentication with a third-party API OAuth
  • Hitting a third party API when an action is invoked – Custom actions

What’s Next

Learn what makes customers trust your app – or dive into building your integration.